The Gong Salon
Sound and energy therapies for health and wellbeing.
The non-chemical, non-invasive approach to healthcare.
Future medicine will be
the medicine of frequencies.
Albert Einstein
What to expect at The Gong Salon
Everything in the Universe is vibrating energy and that includes you!
When you’re in good health your body vibrates at optimum frequency, but when you’re out of balance through stress, anxiety, tiredness or pain this is no longer the case, leaving the door open for mental, emotional and physical dis-ease. At The Gong Salon I use multiple modalities like gongs, tuning forks and the SpectroChrome Laser to bring you back to balance.
All sessions are supported by Clint Ober grounding equipment.
Trained with the College of Sound Healing UK, the British Academy of Sound Therapy, Kimberley Schipke and Biofield Tuning with Eileen McKusick
Treatments at The Gong Salon
Sound Baths
Receiving a sound bath with gongs, drums, crystal and Himalayan singing bowls which produce a wide range of frequencies and vibrations is like going into a deep meditation and will relax, re-tune, regulate, and re-energise you. Sound therapy corrects imbalances of energy deep down at a cellular level within the body. Over or under-arousal of the body and brain are linked with problems like anxiety disorders, sleep problems, hyper-vigilance, anger, depression, migraines, vertigo and tinnitus, to name just a few. Sound baths use frequency medicine to gently help you to relax by gradually lowering and regulating brainwave states. When listing to the instruments your brain drops down from Beta brainwaves which dominate our waking state and take up a lot of our energy, into Alpha brainwaves where we experience a nice resting state. In Theta brainwaves we go deeper into relaxation and meditation, and are able to access and process deeply held worries and and regulate our nervous systems free from anxiety and stress. And then there’s the slow and low frequency of Delta waves, where profound healing can occur.
Biofield Tuning
Biofield Tuning is a sound therapy system using tuning forks directly in your Biofield – the term refers to the electrical current which runs through your body and the electromagnetic field which surrounds it. Any dissonance, resistance or turbulence in your Biofield can be understood as an expression of physical, mental or emotional imbalance. The coherent vibrational frequencies of the tuning forks can locate these imbalances and help alleviate or eradicate the corresponding symptoms by enabling the body’s organising intelligence to tune itself, resulting in more flow, relaxation and relief leading to greater health, well-being and human potential. Clients generally report feeling energy shifts during the session and often feel lighter after a treatment.
The Spectrochrome Laser
The body is electromagnetic, and light is part of the electromagnetic spectrum. In the 1920’s Dinshah Ghadiali developed a technique using green light to help bring the body into harmony and balance. The SpectroChrome Laser is gentle and non-invasive device for delivering coherent green light. Green light helps balance the cerebrum, which is responsible for movement, temperature, touch, hearing, reasoning judgement, problem solving, learning and emotions. The SpectroChrome Laser also helps balance the pituitary gland which secretes hormones that affect mood and behaviour and controls several hormone producing glands. Green light acts as an adaptogen i.e. if a part of the body is under stimulated it can raise energy, or if it is overactive can bring energy down. The green light can be used to bring relief from areas of inflammation and pain.
Enjoy this short video by my teacher Kimberley Schipke which demonstrates the use of the Spectrochrome Laser in conjunction with tuning forks. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K00oGruJkfY
Grounding Equipment
We no longer walk barefoot on the ground as often as is good for us, if at all, so we don’t benefit from the negative charge of the Earth which neutralises all the positive charge we collect from the atmosphere around us. That positive charge is scientifically shown to produce inflammation in the body, and inflammation is a major factor in illness and disease.
At The Gong Salon the complementary use of grounding equipment by Clint Ober* during sessions enables
your body to have an instant experience of inflammation reduction while you relax.
*Clint Ober, co-author of the book ‘Earthing’ and the subject of The Earthing Movie