Trauma Recovery Sessions
with Karen Bresloff
International online appointments with Karen Bresloff UKCP Registered Psychotherapist
Psychotherapy, Somatic Experiencing, EMDR, Brainspotting, the Rewind Technique, Biofield Tuning, and Sound Therapy 0044 (0)7752 006930
Healing from Trauma Happens in Safe and Boundaried Relationship
Trauma can occur as a result of your personal interaction with a stressful, frightening or overwhelming one off experience or ongoing situation, resulting in nervous system dysregulation and symptoms like anxiety, stress, depression, chronic fatigue and a compromised capacity to live your life in a healthy and happy way.
But it’s not the essence of who you are and it doesn’t have to be your whole life story. Many things affect your relationship with the world; your genetics, environment, trans-generational family history and your personal story. While you can’t change some of those givens, with an integrative approach you can influence your future so your life isn’t governed by the experience of trauma.
My online trauma recovery sessions can help you take back control in your life. Using a wide range of integrative techniques explained here you can recover from the trauma that is causing your fight/flight/freeze, nervous system dysregulation and other trauma responses. Online Psychotherapy sessions -the first step on the road to recovery.
Traditional psychotherapy integrated with effective modalities and pioneering approaches for your recovery from stress, trauma and C/PTSD
EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is an energy psychotherapy that uses bilateral brain stimulation to facilitate the processing of traumatic memories and other adverse life experiences. EMDR was developed – and is best known – as a therapy for treating trauma or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and is recognised by the World Health Organisation
EMDR can also be used to help with a range of mental health difficulties including anxiety, depression, addictions and behavioural difficulties.
Sound and Frequency Medicine
The human biofield is an electrical energy field that surrounds and permeates the human body. It encompasses the electromagnetic fields generated by the body's cells, tissues, and organs.
Trauma is held in our biofield as patterns of disregulated energy. I treat trauma in the biofield with coherent sound and frequencies via tuning forks and the Spectrochrome Laser
Brainspotting is a neurobiological tool which makes use of the natural phenomenon of eye gazing through its use of relevant eye positions. When trauma and it’s relevant memories are triggered, parts of the brain are activated, and externalised via the eyes to very specific eye positions. By working with these ‘Brainspots’ in a focused way it is possible to tap into and harness the body’s natural self-scanning, self healing ability.
Brainspotting can be used to process trauma, strengthen natural resources and resilience. It can also be used to enhance performance in the fields of sport, drama and music.
The Rewind Technique
The Rewind Technique is a non-intrusive visualisation and relaxation process within which you are able to observe a difficult or traumatic event from a ‘distance’. When you fast forward and Rewind the event in their mind the emotional arousal dissipates and the brain is able to appropriately file the memory. The Rewind Technique is also effective for treating phobias.
Somatic Experiencing
Somatic Experiencing (SE) is a body orientated approach to healing trauma that helps regulate the nervous system. It does this by facilitating the completion of self- protective motor responses - fight, flight, freeze - and the release of thwarted survival energy that have been bound in the body, thus addressing the root cause of trauma symptoms.
Fight, flight and freeze states are the normal response to abnormal situations but are designed to be time-sensitive, in other words, they need to run their course, and the massive energy that was prepared for fight or flight needs to discharge. If that charge stays trapped in the body we feel as if we are still under threat. The Somatic Experiencing approach works to release this stored energy and turn off this threat alarm so a return to balance and health is achieved.
You are a wonderful complex human being who is changing and adapting to external situations all the time and while you can’t always avoid risk its natural to want to feel safe.
Understand that fight, flight, freeze and collapse are totally normal biological reactions to overwhelm
Practicing longer exhales helps regulate your Vagal Nerve which in turns influences major systems in your body like digestion, heart rate and your immune system
Cultivate a routine because routine helps calm the nervous system
Humming, singing and laughing are great ways to regulate your vagus nerve.
Take ten minutes to watch a video on Trauma and the Nervous System
Listen to your gut which is ‘thinking’ and talking with your brain. Do you know there are more neurotransmitters travelling between your gut and your brain than your heart and your brain
Know that your thoughts and intentions are power things and can positively affect your outcomes
Make friends with your brain which adapts to your thoughts and beliefs in a process called neuroplasticity. It shrinks in response to stress, anxiety and depression and grows again when you’re relaxed and happy
Engage with physic based frequency medicine and raising the vibration of your Biofield; the electrical energy system that powers your body
Words from my clients
“I had unknowingly been carrying a heavy burden of trauma, and had found little relief from the many courses of therapies I had tried in the past. The range of modalities that Karen offers has given me true healing in my body and mind for the first time. This is not only reflected in how I feel but correlates to a measured improvement of my overall health. From Somatic Experiencing techniques to introducing me to Biofield Tuning, her expertise and compassion in guiding me through effective and safe release of stored trauma is giving me the freedom to live my life in a way that is authentic to me.”
“I have reached into myself, deeper than I ever thought I could; been exposed and vulnerable and found safety and kindness. For this I am so very thankful. Karen's capacity to see through the stories I tell myself and find the truth of what I need is a marvel. One that has changed my life".
"Karen helped me during the worst time in my life when I was in the grips of PTSD. She was part of a team who brought me back from the brink of insanity. She is a dedicated, compassionate and talented therapist whom I hold in the highest regard".